Youth trained to speak better

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Youth trained to speak better

A PUBLIC speaking training organised and coordinated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports will assist youths on building confidence when speaking in public.

President of Ignite4Change Youth Club, Broderick Mervyn highlighted this in a Government statement saying youths are the voices of tomorrow and ‘Conquering Public Speaking’ course is beneficial for the youths.

Member of Ignite4Change Youth Club, Jotishma Bhavna said the workshop will make a difference in youth confidence in public speaking and can take away the fear of being exposed.

She said freedom of expression can actually promote a communication that is clear and have each member contribute positively in the business of youth development.”

More than 20 youth participants were part of a one day mobile skills training course held at the University of the South Pacific Lautoka Campus, Lautoka recently.



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