Two to three cyclones to affect Fiji

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Bukama Village in the Yasawa Group after a recent tropical cyclone. Picture: SUPPLIED/FT FILE

The months from January to March are peak period for tropical cyclones with Fiji still likely to face two to three tropical cyclones.

This, according to the Fiji Meteorological Service climate outlook for March to May 2023.

It states that near normal or normal rainfall is likely over most parts of Fiji during March to May season this year.

“Consequently, there is an increased risk of flooding in the coming three months,” the Fiji Met said.

“Warmer than normal air temperatures are likely across the country.

“As the country is in the peak warm season months, occasional periods of very hot and humid conditions will be experienced.

“Two to three tropical cyclones are predicted to affect the Fiji Group during the ongoing tropical cyclone season.

“The January to March period is the peak period of tropical cyclone activity in the SouthWest Pacific.”

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