Three hour wait a thing of the past

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Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture Dr Mahendra Reddy with villagers of Biaugunu in Saqani. Picture: SERAFINA SILAITOGA

THE opening of a preschool at Biaugunu Village brought relief to parents who used to send their children to the neighbouring village to attend school.

Preschool students of Biaugunu Village and surrounding settlements in Cakaudrove now don’t have to wait an extra three hours for their older siblings to finish school at Lakeba Village before they could go home.

They used to finish school by midday and wait until 3pm for their older siblings to complete primary and secondary classes before they could go home together. Village headman Jo Leleivuna said parents were always concerned about the issues faced by their children.

“Parents used to worry about the safety of their children having to wait in the school compound until 3pm — so we asked Government for assistance to build the preschool,” he said.

Acting Prime Minister Dr Mahendra Reddy pleaded with parents to prioritise their children’s education.

“Preschool is an important foundation of a child’s education and Government has made education free so our children can be all educated.”

The project cost $24,203.

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