Teo: Harvest strategy approach a ‘high priority’

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Teo: Harvest strategy approach a ‘high priority’

ABOUT 60 per cent of the world’s global tuna production is from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.

According to executive director of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, Feleti Teo, the area produced 2.7 million metric tonnes in 2016.

He said this highlighted the need for accelerated development of tuna strategies within the commission.

Mr Teo was one of the participants of the “Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) Western and Central Pacific Ocean Tuna Management” workshop in Nadi last week.

“The commission formally embraced the concept of a harvest strategy approach to fisheries management in December, 2014,” he said.

“This was when it adopted a conservation and management measure to develop and implement a harvest strategy approach to the management for key fisheries and stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.”

He said the adoption of the approach was a culmination of work spanning four years.

Mr Teo also said the commission was engaged in a series of workshops that introduced some fundamental concepts and issues that were now the foundation of the present harvest strategy.

“Harvest strategy approach to the management of the key fisheries and stocks in Western and Central Pacific Ocean is a high priority of the commission.

“It is generally accepted that it will take time and extensive resources to progress its development given the multifaceted character of fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.”

He said more workshops would help partners steadily progress the development of this new approach.

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