Rabuka content with test results on Fukushima

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Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Picture: JAPAN TIMES

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is satisfied with Japan’s test results on the Fukushima treated nuclear water released into the Pacific ocean more than a year ago.

Japan government officials yesterday confirmed that it has continued to update Pacific Island leaders including Mr Rabuka about the test results showing no presence of radioactive elements in the treated wastewater until today.

“We are updated, as promised and all other Pacific island leaders too, we had expressed our confidence in the National and Independent Scientific Experts carrying out their verifications,”Mr Rabuka said,

“The reports in March and April this year confirm that the discharged water met with all International Atomic Energy Agency’s requirements and I am satisfied about it.

“We had pre-release protests from some NGO’s, churches and environmental groups but they have died down.”

Mr Rabuka will attend the PALM 10 meeting of Pacific leaders to be held in Tokyo next month.

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