Public submissions for budget

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Biman Prasad at his office in Suva. Picture: JONA KONATACI

Government has invited public submissions for the 2023-2024 National Budget.

According to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad the Coalition Government’s policy initiatives would be the main emphasis of the budget.

He said increasing national productivity, diversifying the Fijian economy, encouraging inclusive socioeconomic growth, and strengthening overall service delivery were all included.

Prof Prasad said, in addition to focusing on cutting waste, the government would also work to restore fiscal sustainability by prioritising socioeconomic development over other uses of resources.

He said as citizens, people’s involvement was essential in the process of developing the policies that would create a diverse and thriving Fiji.

Written contributions can be sent through post, hand delivered or emailed by May 15.

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