Prof Prasad says people prefer coalition model

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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Biman Prasad, in an interview withe Fiji Times at his office in Suva. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

Deputy Prime Minister Professor Biman Prasad believes the Coalition Government model — where political parties work together — is the kind of leadership people prefer.

Speaking on the Lens@177, Prof Prasad said maintaining the coalition would likely garner increased support in future elections.

“I expect more support for us if we keep the coalition and go into the election as we did last time, with the NFP and PA,” he said.

“People want their leaders to work together.”

He pointed out that while the Coalition Government model was attempted by Jai Ram Reddy and Sitiveni Rabuka in 1999 without success, the idea had endured.

“They weren’t successful, but the idea didn’t die. We came into government as a two-party coalition, and we are very happy that SODELPA joined us.”

Looking ahead, Prof Prasad expressed confidence the coalition model would resonate with voters.

“I can’t say the same about SODELPA at the moment, but SODELPA is part of the Coalition Government.”

Prof Prasad said this was the model people were looking for and they believed it would shape the outcome of the 2026 election.

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