Methodist conference | Members discuss prejudice against LGBTQ individuals and same-sex marriage

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Methodist Church’s communications general secretary, the Rev Wilfred Regunamada and Reverend Semisi Turagavou, President of the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma during the Bose Ko Viti at Furnival Park , Toorak in Suva Picture: JONA KONATACI

Members of the Methodist Church discussed the subject of prejudice against LGBTQ individuals and samesex marriage during the second day of the annual conference this week.

According to the church’s communications general secretary the Rev Wilfred Regunamada, the churches abroad raised the issue during the meeting.

They include, according to Mr Regunamada, the California Nevada Church, the United Methodist Church in the United States, the United Methodist Church in the United Kingdom and the Uniting Church in Australia.

Mr Regunamada said the topic of LGBTQ issues had persisted, particularly since it had come to be accepted in other nations.

Because of this, Mr Regunamada said a small number of Fijians had decided to create their own churches abroad in accordance with their biblical convictions and upbringing, and the church’s present stance on the matter in Fiji.

He added the church still believed that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of whether they are LGBTQ, divorced or inebriated.

Accordingly, Mr Regunamada said the Methodist Church’s position would be to keep transforming lives for Christ.

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