Marine pollution cannot be ignored – Manoni

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Early childhood students with their parents were part of the World Ocean Day march in Suva yesterday. Picture: SOPHIE RALULU

THE present challenges of marine pollution cannot be ignored, says deputy secretary general of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Dr Filimoni Manoni.

Speaking at the World Oceans Day in Suva yesterday, Dr Manoni said people needed to take some responsibility and understand better the climate ocean nexus.

“We cannot ignore illegal unreported and unregulated fishing, global warming and ocean acidification and the erosion of marine biodiversity,” he said.

“The oceans are here at the forefront requiring our undivided attention.”

Dr Manoni said the ocean was also excavated by the chance of Japan’s decision in discharging radioactive nuclear waste in the Pacific region.

“We are now most likely looking at another wave of challenges with nuclear waste. The potential impacts of such are still unknown.

“But we are hopeful the undertaking by the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, in February that there will not be any discharge until it is safe to do so falls true.

“That is why the forum leaders has a vision for our region a 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific continent. A vision by 2050 that we can maintain a healthy abundance in resources supporting a healthy planet for prosperity and for the future.

“As forum leaders are deciding on this process we should expect later this year an implementation plan outlining some of the regions collective action to achieve the vision and ambitions of leaders under the strategy.”

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