Letters to the Editor | November 15, 2023

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The flooded Nakorovou Bridge in Tailevu. Picture: SOPHIE RALULU

Changing weather

The weather forecast daily on TV is helpful and has been accepted by the people from the explanation by the presenter.

But when a cyclone approaches the public tries to make sense of the wavy colourful lines on the weather map but without an explanation or a colour code it is just that, a beautiful colourful map.

Perhaps we could just do away with the maps.

Just saying.

Emosi Balei, Suva

Noise pollution

We have a designated fireworks timeframe for the actual Diwali day and other days throughout the year.

Any breaches will attract a conviction for fines or imprisonment.

Though, how many people have been charged is another story.

Along the same lines, I think there should be a timeframe as well for beating of tins and drums during New Year’s Day.

At present, it continues for days after the first day of the year and is quite irritating.

Mohammed Imraz Janif, Natabua, Lautoka

Forum commitments

It seems that the commitments and agreements on the part of the Pacific Island nations regarding the Forum Communique, as per member country’s obligation under the Paris Agreement, far exceeds the same by the industrialised contributing countries.

Unfortunately on our part, it’s really all about reacting on the frontline to problems not of our making for economic and even physical survival.

I guess that’s why there is a skew in the graph!

It seems harder for the industrialised contributing countries to lessen or even give up their use of fossil fuel to actually meet their signed obligations, either as a whole or in part.

It’s also a matter of economic survival for them as well!

Converting the said declaration into positive and meaningful action on the ground seems to be really hard work.

Edward Blakelock, Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour

Clever business

I recharge my home Wi-Fi every time I am in Fiji.

I have realised only this time round that the “monthly” recharge is actually for 28 days.

So, I quickly worked out that with a 28-day month this service provider can squeeze a 13th month in the year.

Very clever business acumen.

They do not publicise it all that openly.

But good on them for their creativity and putting one over the heads of the people of Fiji who appear to be oblivious to everything except the price of grog.

Jan Nissar, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Kill joys

Every Diwali, as regular as clockwork, misery Mahen, sad Shamima and that fellow who thinks that firecrackers should be abolished get together to try to spoil our festival as best they can.

How I wish that someone could explain to them that Diwali is the festival of light and fun and frivolity and that we need all of these in spades just to remain sane in this sad mad world.

Michael Scott, Morris St, Lautoka

Power play

Diwali night my wife informs me that power is gone.

I replied to check The Fiji Times for “planned power shut down”.

The EFL cannot cope with the surge in demand at this hour.

Rakesh Chand, Sharma

Nadi Sovereignty issues

Does Tuvalu — or any other Pacific island country for that matter — have to cede some of its seemingly non-negotiable sovereignty to have a signed agreement with Australia?

This appears to me to be the case with Australia’s Pacific Engagement Visa scheme and the Falepili Union treaty with Tuvalu.

I guess the non-negotiables are really negotiable these days, when it’s a matter of economic and physical survival for us.

How sad!

But then again, I guess there’s no free lunch anyway these days, even in the rarefied air of bilateral diplomacy.

Edward Blakelock, Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour

Wake-up call

The Lomolomo accident tragedy on Diwali day, I believe, is another alert for authorities to review and enforce the limit at which passenger buses travel on Fiji’s roads.

Samu Railoa, Nadi

No genocide?

No genocide in the Israeli war against Hamas according to Samu Silatolu (FT 14/11).

Does Samu see the same images of the killings of Palestinian civilians including children that the rest of the world sees?

Rajend Naidu, Sydney, Australia

The gang

This year, some kere sweets gang took it to another level.

They came in gumboots with their school bags.

They were absolutely not interested in sitting down to consume.

Only takeaways.

Great Diwali atmosphere!

Mohammed Imraz Janif, Natabua, Lautoka

PM’s opinion

Do the Prime Minister’s personal, religious and cultural prejudices represent the rest of Fiji?

Jan Nissar, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Calling the shots

Is our PM Rabuka playing his cards right now?

The bigger picture, it seems, is that SODELPA is calling the shots and it is obvious that the NFP/PA team are powerless and is letting them have their way.

As of now, when will there be another set of demands?

Tukai Lagonilakeba, Nadi

Our safety

Depending on our police force all the time, I believe, has to cease.

It would be of great help that each household in every community, is responsible for the policing within their own communities.

Our safety and our security are not from external sources, but from within ourselves.

Let us revive the community “bonding” to take the initiative and ownership, whenever we see fit.

And that is something I call, “self-care”.

Samu Silatolu, Nakasi

Overseas travel

Deputy PM Professor Biman Prasad does not realise that he is unwittingly justifying the perpetuation of extravagant overseas travels by his Coalition Government by pointing to the overseas travels undertaken by the FijiFirst government (FT 14/11).

The people of Fiji expected a qualitative change when they voted for the coalition which promised a change in style of governance during its election campaign and not a perpetuation of what the FF mob were doing.

Rajend Naidu, Sydney, Australia

Cyclone season

The arrival of Tropical Cyclone Mal has indeed set the tone for the cyclone season.

This is generally from November to April each season.

The thought of it sends shivers down our spine.

Sounds of shearing winds, pelting of heavy rains and high seas, sights of uprooted trees, broken powerlines and devastated buildings cloud our mind.

During this season DISMAC swings into full action to meet the exigencies of circumstances.

Regular preparatory warnings are sent via radio, television and the newspapers.

At the slight whimper of depression people head for the nearest supermarket in search of torchlights, medicine, Panadol, biscuits and heaps of canned food are bought and stored for the rainy day.

Each cyclone season we see devastating winds and heavy downpour which cause massive flooding of low-lying areas.

Animals, vegetables and people are swept away.

There are reported cases of children drowning or the fishermen getting lost in rough seas.

Despite repeated warnings these incidents continue to occur.

Loss of life and damage to properties is always traumatic.

Life in disaster relief centres is yet another story of humanitarian emotions.

When a tropical cyclone hits our shores the schools, shops, transport and other services are closed.

This is very inconvenient but absolutely necessary for the safety of our people.

The government of the day leaves no stone unturned to ensure safety.

Military, police and hospitals are put on standby. Such is the nature of the cyclone season.

The memory of devastating Tropical Cyclone Winston is still very fresh in our minds.

Some institutions, villages and individuals have not been able to recover from the disaster.

The memory of the lives lost is still very painful.

However, life has a tendency to go on incessantly.

We have no choice but to cope with the prevailing circumstances.

I hereby appeal to all the Fijian citizens to be fully prepared and pay heed to the warnings given by the Government.

Dewan Chand, Namadi Heights, Suva

A tradition

When we hear that various radio stations are getting connected and the voice of Vijay Narayan starts hitting the airwaves, we automatically know something big is up.

Something similar existed during the COVID-19 peak period.

The name and face was Dr James Fong.

Likewise, in the event of natural disasters, it is Vasiti Soko.

Some associations have almost become tradition in Fiji.

Mohammed Imraz Janif, Natabua, Lautoka

Stay focused, stay safe

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the students who were scheduled to take their exams this week.

I understand the dedication and hard work you must have put into your preparations.

Regrettably, the exams have been rescheduled to next week due to unfavorable weather conditions.

However, students should consider this unexpected change as a silver lining in disguise.

In light of the postponement, students now have the advantage of additional days to further enhance their exam readiness.

Use this extended time wisely to reinforce your knowledge and refine your skills.

Remember, challenges often come with hidden opportunities for growth and improvement.

Believe in your abilities, stay focused and make the most of this extra preparation time.

You’ve already demonstrated your commitment and I have confidence that you’ll face the exams with resilience and success.

Wishing you the very best in your continued preparations and upcoming examinations.

You’ve got this!

Keep listening to the weather updates and stay safe.

SANJEET PRASAD, Mani Rd, Bulileka, Labasa

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