Letters to the Editor | Monday, September 18, 2023

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Nadi Hospital. Picture: SUPPLIED

Overworked doctors

AS a regular SOPD patient, on a very recent visit for prostate and kidney scans, I learnt, in passing, a GOPD doctor handled some 200 patients during his shift.

As a caring Nadi retiree, as a voice for the silent majority, I respectfully share this matter with the Minister for Health and Medical Services in the sincere hope something positive yields.

My old home town Nadi has several short-falls in our hospital.

I shared these recently in our daily open columns.

Doctors and nurses, are only human.

Attending to 200 patients, in one shift, opens the doors widely to human errors and failures.

Mistakes are bound to happen during exhaustion.

This should not happen.

Human resource shortfalls must be urgently addressed, forthwith, in my view.

It is a wonder many doctors and nurses continue to leave and opt for greener pastures and just financial rewards.

The ordinary citizens will suffer the greatest.

Not all of us have the financial resources available to be attended to by private general practitioners.

RONNIE CHANG, Martintar, Nadi

Stallions defend prestigious trophy

AFTER defending the Inkk Farebrother Sullivan Trophy against Namosi, winning 23-15 at Lawaqa Park, the Stallions outmuscled Naitasiri 29-20 on Saturday to retain the prestigious trophy and take revenge for the 13-20 loss at the hands of the Highlanders in round four of the Skipper Cup at Ratu Cakobau Park.

The Stallions finished fourth overall in the Skipper Cup and will face Suva in the semi-final and, ironically, in the third defense.

Despite the gallant win, there are improvements that need to be made before the next battle against Suva.

Taniela Rakuro, whose story titled “The Motopai” was covered by sports journalist Rodney Duthie on March 2, 2023, was awarded the man of the match as his moments of brilliance won the Stallions the battle.

The Stallions put their bodies on the line as the province of Nadroga demanded a solid performance from the boys.

Hearty thanks to Nadroga for the courageous victory!

Hakwa Nadro!


Drainage system

WHETHER the responsibilities for the maintenance of our drainage system remains under the purview of the Waterways Ministry or with the proposed reestablishment of the Drainage Board, it really does not matter at the end of the day.

As long as our drainage systems are properly and regularly maintained and cleaned to prevent flooding and unnecessary blockages moreso, during the cyclone season, that is what really matters and is the bottom line.

EDWARD BLAKELOCK, Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour

Bite the bullet

UNDER no circumstances I would be jumping the gun by remembering the recent “bite the bullet” advise to the public from the Coalition Government.

A contributing factor to the advise was an increase in indirect tax (VAT).

After the increase, many are still biting their nails.

The FijiFirst party would be returning the so called $10,000 tax free parliamentary duty allowance.

That’s what they said.

Very interesting point.

What would the government do with the returned funds?

An even more interesting point.

If this allowance was brought by the previous government, I think a barrage of criticism would have come from those big names who had become habitual critics of the FijiFirst government before the election.

And we very well know who they are.

So far, nothing from that lot.

I think they have bitten their tongues.

$10000 per year is roughly what an individual on the minimum wage rate earns.

The MP’s are currently earning way more which should be enough for the suggested purpose.

Instead of bringing up such a ridiculous idea, the Coalition Government should have “bitten the gun” as Fiji needs to save every single cent.


Rodney’s diary

THANK you for penning an interesting diary piece Rodney Duthie on day seven in France!

A hectic day with a missed train is how Rodney described day seven.

The challenges faced by our journalists in a foreign country miles away from home makes them versatile and strong.

Thank you for all the stories and colourful pictures from France!

I’m sure the editor-in-chief will agree with me that more adventures are in store!


Export seafood

THE view that live seafood export would “boost the Fiji economy” (FT 16/9) reminded me of this graffiti I saw on a wall near a top restaurant in Melbourne: First world elites enjoy the best from the third world whose poor struggle to feed themselves.

Something to think about, yes?

RAJEND NAIDU, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Human greed

REGARDING the eBay scam, blame is being fired in all directions.

I think the root of this scam is human greed.


Ebay rumours

RUMOURS are in the city that ebay Shop Fiji will be back soon.

As identified by authorities it’s a collapsed pyramid scheme.

Those who were cash recipients that money was from the new recruits.

Well the investigation is on and the guilty party has to face law.


Uphold the law

IN this 21st century it is inappropriate and tactless that our Fiji Police Force is still ill-equipped with sophisticated resources and power to monitor and keep watch on those people manufacturing and exporting illicit drugs with few other illegal activities here in Fiji.

I hope the Coalition Government will equip modern and sophisticated tools to our Police Force so that they can advance and up their game against illegal activities within our little confinements on our island nation.

AREKI DAWAI, Maharaj Place, Samabula, Suva

Cane payment

I suggest a change in the present cane payment system that we have.

A reserve fund of around $110 million may be required. $7.10 per tonne/monthly payments for our canefarmers.

Anything extra could come as bonus at the end.

Does anybody else in this world get paid five times in a 15-16 months period to complete their pay cycle?

Or is it we farmers only.

We can expect huge increase in tonnage should something similar to this proposal comes in future.


Parliament debate

THIS week I found bit of time to watch the live streaming of our Parliament sessions.

For last few years I have been hearing about the labour and this PALM scheme.

No one explained any better than the current Labour Minister Agni Deo Singh while responding to a question from an Opposition member in Parliament.

I have a complete knowledge of how this system operates now.

I believe Mr Singh nailed it by saying what he achieved as a Labour Minister in just six months the previous FijiFirst government couldn’t do in almost two or three years.

System is definitely improving day by day under his careful planning.

The major problem appeared to be the extramarital affairs.

Lack of maturity and upbringing may be the reasons for such breakdowns.

A government official or a minister has a wide range of work to cover, therefore to keep a close watch on daily developments between such couples and their lives is just not possible.

Finally I once again thank the Labour Minister Agni Deo Singh for his detailed presentations on this issue in Parliament.

I believe his long experience in the trade union movement and labour relations is paying dividends now.

The coalition is definitely on the right track.

VIJAY MAHARAJ, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Labasa beats Lautoka

I KNOW the pain big brother Dinesh Kumar and his blue brigade went through as the Lautoka side went down to a 10-man Labasa in penalties.

Both teams played a fast-paced game and scored two goals each in the match which went into extra time.

Veteran goalie Simione Tamanisau showed why he was the best in the business as he saved Sitiveni Cavuilagi’s penalty.

This sent Labasa fans into a moment of frenzy as celebrations continued late night.

The Lions played Navua in the final of the BOG for the first time.


Keep Nadi clean

I WRITE to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the 80 or so students of Mount Saint Mary’s School, Nadi including the organising leaders and supporters for their sacrifices in keeping Nadi clean as they celebrated World Cleanup Day on Saturday, September 17, 2023 – “Seasons of Creation” celebrated with meaning.

Here’s a real big thank you to all our students concerned.

You are our future leaders.

Those who leave their litter on Wailoaloa should be very ashamed of themselves.

Please take your own rubbish home.

Thank you students the awesome effort.

I am advised some 70 bags of rubbish was collected from Wailoaloa Beach.

This is a clear indication many who visit Wailoaloa Beach lack civic pride and are grossly irresponsible.

Much adult education is definitely needed.

Similarly, a vacant commercial lot along Martintar is littered with so many empty glass and plastic bottles including a huge array of assorted garbage.

I invite our senior health inspector to take a good long look.

I am truly troubled.

RONNIE CHANG, Martintar, Nadi

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