Letters to the Editor, June 11, 2024

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The Suva Port serves as a vital link in the supply chain and facilitating goods locally and internationally. Picture: WORLD PORT SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM

Just a little girl

I was at Tikaram Park, Lami, the other evening walking my two dogs when I notice a small girl following the little “fella”; the slow one of the two. She didn’t speak but shyly hid in the shadows. It was almost dark and I was thinking it was not a good idea to be walking in an unlit park at that time so we turned back. I started talking to this little girl: I asked her what school she attended. She told me it was Suvavou but that was her village, not a school. So I asked her again and she came up with a school name. I asked her what her age was and she told me she was nine.  Then I asked her (as teachers usually do) what class she was in and she was unable to answer that question. I was surprised by that. When I asked her where her parents are, she told me her mother was working at the park toilet block, opening the gate for the public. I asked her what time her mother finished doing that and she said it was 8pm. I felt very sorry for this little girl. When my dogs were back in the car I asked her would she like to say goodbye to the little “fella. She nodded. She leant in, gave him a pat then gently kissed his head. That gesture touched my heart. I was concerned that she was lonely and neglected and she sought companionship in a little dog.  I see too many children like this little girl wandering alone in this park where they are so vulnerable to abuse. I want to ask where are their parents?  Parents need to take responsibility for their actions and care for their children. They are just little children and she is just a little girl. Julie Sutherland, Delainavesi

Public mistrust

The present situation of the three-legged government is one that is marked by immense scrutiny and criticism from the public. The Government’s actions have sparked widespread discontent and debate, especially around the tanoa. Over the past few months, there have been numerous allegations and scandals involving government officials, which I believe have eroded public trust and confidence in the Government. I believe the lack of transparency and accountability has only served to exacerbate the problem, leading to widespread disillusionment with the three legged government. Together with the approved salary increase for MPs when the common people are struggling to provide three healthy meals a day has led to a growing sense of cynicism and disillusionment among the public, who feel that the Government is more concerned with serving its own interests rather than those of the people. Sad eh! Wise Muavono, Balawa, Lautoka

Price of goods

While we spend time lamenting on what we have to pay, we show gratitude to those who have been adjusting their prices. All of us have families to feed and commitments to keep. Just because you have the right to benefit doesn’t mean you have to milk it. A minute of silence to those adjusting price to $7! Navneet Ram (TD) Lautoka

Suva port

HERE we go again, shooting ourselves in the foot! How on Earth can we achieve the expected $2billion trade, when the crane at our Suva Port has not been operational for the past two years? (FT 10/06). This and probably the shortfall in the number of big forklifts, has been a hindering factor to improving speed and reliability at the port. Relatively slow turnaround time has also been highlighted as something that needs to be improved. All these self-inflicted limitations, when we are talking about increasing exports, improving transhipment times and so on. Let’s walk the talk and pronto! Edward Blakelock, Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour

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