“Happy to have NRL”

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NRL in Fiji’s Amit Kumar (left) with Frank Hilton Special School teacher Joseva Verevou. Picture: FNRL MEDIA

The National Rugby League in Fiji revisited and engaged Frank Hilton Special School last week for their League for Life program, marking 8 years since the program was first introduced to the school.

“Our school is very fortunate to be part of the NRL program again, the children are showing a different amount of enthusiasm and excitement when participating in outdoors sports activities compared to learning inside the classroom. As a teacher I believe that our students also deserve a chance to move out side of the classroom to explore on learning new rugby league skills or just to take a break from school work and enjoy themselves with their classmates” shares Frank Hilton Special School Teacher – Mr Joseva Verevou

When asked, what do you think about the League for Life program revisiting Frank Hilton special school?
Over the 9 years of teaching at Frank Hilton Special school I can say that the students are very fortunate to have NRL back with us and to see the children smiling again, especially when we are in the classroom some may be very slow academically or some may not be able to write But when they jump in to the field to take part in the outdoors rugby league activities I can see so much potential while they were playing and as a teacher it makes me feel very happy to see how my students faces are beaming with so much excitement and joy .

Do You feel the program is beneficial for the students of Frank Hilton Special school?
– Yes , I truly believe that this League for Life program is very beneficial for our students because it does not only give them the opportunity to explore their potential in playing sports but to us as teachers at Frank Hilton it gives us great joy to see our students light up with joy when they play outside and at the same time it was surprising to see how engaged they are in the outdoors activities compared to all the learnings in the classroom.

What are your views on Sports being more Inclusive?
– Firstly, like todays’ program it is only for Hilton Special School alone. Inclusive plays a bigger role, for instance when we talk about education, I was educated here then I was identified that there was nothing wrong with me, the only problem was that I was born without arms, so I joined Marist Suva School and studied alongside fully abled-body children and this helped me forget that I had a disability. I believe that children with a disability can participate freely in competitions along side fully abled body children , this way children tend to forget their differences when they are having fun and enjoying themselves especially when playing sports. I think this program has benefited our students immensely because NRL is conducting the same League for Life program that they deliver at any other fully abled school in Fiji. Vinaka Vakalevu National Rugby League in Fiji.

The NRL League for Life program is funded by the Australian Government through the Team Up Sport for Development Initiative and delivered in partnership with the Fiji National Rugby League.
If you wish to stay updated about our programs – follow NRL in Fiji on Facebook – @NRLinFiji and Instagram – @nrlfiji

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