GCC meeting: Absence of GCC impacted iTaukei youth greatly – Baledrokadroka

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Great Council of Chiefs (GCC) Review Committee chairman Dr Jone Baledrokadroka during a public consultation. Picture: SUPPLIED

The absence of the Great Council of Chiefs over the past 16 years has impacted greatly on iTaukei youth, life and social structure, says GCC Review Committee chairman Dr Jone Baledrokadroka.

He said the review team had conducted consultations in nine out of 14 provinces so far, and there had been an overwhelming number of submissions to that effect.

“That has been coming out very strongly among people we have had consultations with in the nine provinces so far — the disintegration of iTaukei life. We are known for being very communal people,” Dr Baledrokadroka said.

“The last 16 years without the GCC as the head of social structure has weakened the bonds between the village headman, the village chief and this is something we would like to cling to. That is what makes us iTaukei — our social structure.

“Every country has social structure, we have the GCC.

“The only thing is to make it much more resilient to political influence because it has a place in iTaukei society.

“And in fact, a lot of iTaukei look up to the GCC instead of their politicians,” Dr Baledrokadroka said.

The review committee will conduct consultations until July 31.

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