Digital literacy challenges

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Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro speaking in Parliament on Monday, Sep 11, 2023. Picture: PARLIAMENT OF FIJI

LACK of resources and connectivity to power supply are challenges that have been identified by the ministry to promote digital literacy for students, says Education Minister Aseri Radrodro.

Mr Radrodro told Parliament on Wednesday it was a huge target, given the intent to provide equitable learning for all children and the challenges of the geographical location of schools in the rural and maritime zones.

“We also have a lack of training of teachers, students and even parents who are necessary for the support system to ensure such platforms are in a workable arrangement,” Mr Radrodro said.

He said a contributing factor to the disruption of traditional education was the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has, indeed, disrupted the traditional education of our children.

“This causes a shift towards remote learning and to ensure students have access to technology and promote digital literacy.

“There were several initiatives that should have been taken, which have not been done, and the Ministry of Education is now working hard to get this platform off the ground for all schools in Fiji.”

Mr Radrodro said the ministry had engaged a number of platforms to boost e-learning, including the “I am digital” initiative in partnership with Save the Children Fiji and the “Girls in ICT” training project in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade and Communications.

Additionally, Mr Radrodro said the ministry was working with USP in the development of 1500 Open Education Resources (OER) for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects.

“MOE is also developing an audio-visual studio with relevant stakeholders.

“We thank the Ministry of Finance for the budget of $100,000 in this financial year, which has been allocated for this project.”

Mr Radrodro said the Government was working to improve the learning management system which would support the existing digital learning platforms being used in Early Childhood Education up to Year 13 level for all schools in Fiji.

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