Damodar promo winner

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Kaila winner Reshav Pratap (left) with winner Sharon Pratap. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

One of the Kaila! and Damodar Cinemas promo winners was 9-year-old Reshav Pratap.

Reshav is no stranger to winning with Kaila!

He recently won the Waku-Doki award at the 15th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest with his ‘Lightening Flame Breather Car’ drawing.

This time Reshav won a snack voucher and two tickets to see ‘Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile’, featuring Shawn Mendes as the voice of Lyle.

Reshav and his sister Sharon were excited to end the holidays with a trip to the movies and will no doubt enter all Kaila! promos from here on.

I hope they enjoyed the movie!

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