CFL farewells co-founder

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Retiring CFL board chairman and co-founder Matt Wilson. Picture: SUPPLIED

COMMUNICATIONS Fiji Ltd has farewelled its co-founder and retiring board chairman Matt Wilson at its AGM and welcomed new chair and fellow founder William Parkinson.
The meeting expressed gratitude for Mr Wilson’s 33 years of service to CFL.
“We wouldn’t be here today without Matt’s contributions at critical times during the company’s history,” Mr Parkinson said.
He said the company’s 2017 group profits of $2.92million had set new records for the company and shareholders also shared in a dividend of $0.20 cents plus a special dividend of $0.33 cents paid from the proceeds of the sale of the company’s shares in iPAC Communications Fiji Ltd.
Looking to the future, Mr Parkinson said: “These are exciting times. We are at a crossroad and our focus this year is to look for new investment opportunities for the company.”

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