Australia gifts $13m

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Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro says everyone needs to work together to ensure school-aged children are in school. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

ABOUT $13 million has been gifted by the Australian Government to students of Lekutu Primary and Secondary schools which lost most school buildings to Tropical Cyclone Yasa in 2020.

The gift includes the construction of new teachers’ quarters, a dining hall and dormitories.

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro said such initiatives would strengthen the Vuvale Partnership between Fiji and Australia.

“DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs Trade) stepped in following the cyclone and provided the much needed items to allow teaching and learning to continue,” he said.

“This accomplishment is through the bilateral partnership between Fiji and Australia which extends to development and education assistance and increase diplomatic level.

“Therefore, this is a moment of great importance not just for our ministry, but for all of us who consider the education of our children as the topmost priority.”

Mr Radrodro said education played a significant role in every person’s life .

“A quality education will also provide students with numerous opportunities in life.”

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