Ali shares plans to promote digitalisation at forum

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Investment Fiji head of investment and trade, Musarat Ali, left, at the UN Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum in Xiamen, China. Picture: SUPPLIED

Investment Fiji continues to double down on efforts to nurture its strategic partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) following its recent participation at the UN Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum in Xiamen, China.

The forum gathered a dynamic team of Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) executives from the Asia-Pacific region including chief executive officers, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) specialists and investors, to explore the significance of developing digital economy strategies and policies, and the role that foreign direct investment can have in building digital economies.

Investment Fiji head of investment and trade, Musarat Ali, engaged in an open dialogue highlighting the Governments future directions for creating a robust digital FDI ecosystem, Investment Fiji’s strategic plan to promote digitalization and the links between FDI and digital adoption from Fiji’s perspective.

Ms Ali also elaborated on the fantastic work carried out by Fiji’s private sector players in hosting innovation events which serves as a great meeting point for investors and gives way to technology transfer and knowledge spillovers.

The event inspired regional and global visions for a better digital future as more than 20 renowned speakers shared their insights in five specialist sessions anchored around the central theme “Boosting Foreign Direct Investment in the Digital Economy for Sustainable Development”.

In addition, given the speed at which artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our world, a key theme of the forum was on the role of AI in investment promotion.

Investment promotion agencies that are currently using AI in their investment promotion activities shared their experiences with using AI for investment promotion, and highlighted some of the benefits and challenges that the new technology has brought.

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