Welfare recipient owes driver $60 for three trips to bank

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Social Welfare recipients withdraw their money at Westpac ATM’s in Suva. Picture: RAMA

Makarita Nanise Rokosalala, 80,  says she owes a family friend who is a taxidriver $60 in fares for transporting her from Veisari to Suva for three days this week to check for her social welfare allowance.

She said she was desperate for her monthly allowance from the Department of Social Welfare which she has depended on for a number of years.

She said she was sickly and suffered from diabetes, poor eyesight and heart problems.

“Because of my health, I cannot travel by bus and cannot stand or walk long distances,” she said.

She receives a monthly $100 cash allowance along with a $50 food voucher.

She claimed she had already filled out her recertification form in July.

The widow for more than 10 years was among scores of elderly people around the country who congregated all day outside banks waiting for their allowances to be deposited.

Also expressing his disappointment was Petero Naivalu, who had travelled from Saliadrau, Namosi to access his wife’s monthly allowance.

“I spent about $10 for my fare and there is nothing there,” he said.

“Now, I have to go back to the village and wait for the money to be deposited, then I have to come and collect the allowance.”

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