Update: SODELPA youths wait at Suvavou House

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A Government vehicle leaves Suvavou House. Picture: SUPPLIED

GOVERNMENT vehicles continue to enter and leave Suvavou House at this hour.

This as 20 members of the Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) youth wing led by Jope Koroisavou and Ben Daveta wait outside the building

Earlier yesterday, efforts by SODELPA and the National Federation Party (NFP) to serve a copy of the petition against the 2018 General Election results personally on the 27 FijiFirst party respondents were unsuccessful.

This was confirmed by the Opposition whip Lynda Tabuya at 7.45pm yesterday.

Ms Tabuya said the SODELPA youths attempted to serve the petition at the residences’ of the respondents who needed to accept and sign the petition and this was not done.

Representing the petitioners — SODELPA leader Sitiveni Rabuka and NFP leader Professor Biman Prasad — lawyer Filimoni Vosarogo said bailiffs tried to serve the petitions on the respondents yesterday.

GOVERNMENT vehicles leave Suvavou House at this hour. Picture: SUPPLIED

Mr Vosarogo confirmed they had served a copy of the petition to the Supervisor of Elections.

So, far it appears that some government officials have left.

Some vehicles have left the premises empty.

A vehicle that left appears to have the Minister for Women Mereseini Vuniwaqa inside also leaving Suvavou house.

Another appeared to have the Solicitor General Sharvada Sharma departing Suvavou House.

About an hour ago a private owned vehicle arrived at the gate of the carpark of Suvavou House bringing beddings (blankets and pillows).

SUPERVISOR of Elections Mohammed Saneem leaving Suvavou House moments ago. Picture: SUPPLIED
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