$52m to 47,358

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A number of crowd gathered during the HOMES-CARE assistance at Ba market grounds. Picture: FT FILE

MORE than $52 million has been disbursed to recipients under the HOMES-CARE assistance so far. Ministry of Women permanent secretary Dr Josefa Koroivueta said 47,358 people had been served so far. As many as 594 applicants were from Labasa while 5220 were from Sigatoka.

Nadi recorded the highest number of applicants with 18,333 while Lautoka, Ba, Tavua and Ra had 7103, 11,956, 812 and 3340 recipients so far.

Yesterday, the team completed serving applicants in Tavua.

Dr Koroivueta said crowd control was a non-issue because of the efforts of officers from the Fiji Police Force.

He said priority was given to older persons, persons with disabilities, expectant mothers and mothers with young children.

A special team was organised to look after this group. Meanwhile, Dr Koroivueta said advisory councillors of Tavua were also on hand to assist the government team to determine the people who were impacted and those who were not.

A total of 4500 applicants and 1000 others in the special category were served on Monday.

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