$19k deficit for Unity Fiji

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Unity Fiji party leader Savenaca Naruba. Picture: FT FILE

Unity Fiji party executives were the main donors to the party in 2023 and contributed towards collecting $9170 in funds to operate the party, states financial reports filed with the Fijian Elections Office (FEO).

Party leader Savenaca Narube donated $3400, president Adi Sivia Qoro gave $2220 and general secretary Mosese Bakaniceva donated $3000.

Unity Fiji went further into the red after recording a net deficit of $19,216 in 2023 compared with $14,358 in 2022.

The financial report states the party’s executive board were aware of three court challenges jointly filed with Fiji Labour Party in early 2022.

“These cases and the subsequent appeal and stay applications have been withdrawn. The three cases have been discontinued,” states the report.

“In the opinion of the executive board, after taking appropriate legal advice, the outcome of these legal claims would not give rise to any significant loss beyond the amount provided on 31 December, 2023.

“Several actions may have commenced against the party for varying reasons and demands. The executive board is not aware of any other action that may have commenced against the party.”

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