Youth coverage for cleanup campaign

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The Sa Dina Farmers Youth Club of Narewa Village, Nadi after their clean-up along Denarau Rd. Picture: MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS

Starting off the year, the youths of Sa Dina Youth Club in Narewa, Nadi are a example of how communities come together for a common good.

Around 40 youths from the club signed up to be part of a clean-up campaign along Denarau Rd – a road used by tourists daily.

As part of their civic responsibility, the youths come together last month to make a difference and to set a good example to their village and also to nearby communities.

According to a Ministry of Youth and Sports statement youths wanted to address the issue of littering along the popular road, located in front of their village.

Driven by their strong determination to create a cleaner environment, the youths wanted to show motorists who dump their rubbish there, that they care about their surroundings and would do anything to tackle the issue.

The statement said in mobilizing their collective efforts, the youths decided to tackle the issue head-on, dedicating their time and energy to voluntarily clean up the area.

They thanked the Department of Environment, the Nadi Town Council, the Wyndham Resort and the Ministry of Youth and Sports for their support towards a successful clean-up.

They are now pleading with motorists who use the Denarau Rd to dispose their waste responsibly.

They hope to work together with the public in maintaining a clean and sustainable environment.

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