Yale signs up its own crime prevention committee

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Members of the Yale Crime Prevention Committee. Picture: FIJI POLICE

The tikina of Yale in Kadavu is the latest district to sign up to having its own Crime Prevention Committee (CPC).

In the past two weeks, officers from the Southern Division Community Policing Unit had launched District CPCs for the Sanima, Naceva, Ravitaki and now Yale.

Police said 26 participants received certification after a two-day workshop that focused on the Duavata community policing model, active listening, drug awareness, communication roles and responsibilities, cyber safety, domestic violence, road safety and conflict analysis methods.

Assistant District Officer Muanaicake Isimeli Tuivakaga said they fully supported the program and requested the committee to set goals in reducing criminal activities within their districts.

Yale CPC newly-appointed president Paula Bulivou said: “Our next move is to conduct awareness and implement better communication and information gathering.”

“We want to work with the police in Kadavu in providing necessary information so that drug cultivation can be stopped in our tikina,” he said.



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