Work begins to review national minimum wage

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Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations Agni Deo Singh during his interview with The Fiji Times. Picture: ATU RASEA

The Ministry of Employment has started work on the review of the national minimum wage rates.

Minister Agni Deo Singh said there were systems and processes involved, and structures in place to facilitate this work.

“We have constituted the Employment Relations Advisory Board (ERAB) in its proper form at the beginning of the year and facilitated the labour law review to restore the provision of the ERA 2007 to reinstate workers’ rights.  This has been completed and is currently being vetted by the Office of the Solicitor General,” Mr Singh said in a government statement.

“The Fiji Coalition Government is now in the process of reinstating the 10 Wages Councils, which were removed by the Fiji First government.  These councils are subcommittees of the ERAB and will determine the sectoral minimum wages.”

Mr Singh said work on the minimum wage review was now in progress and the ERAB would determine this with the assistance of a professional consultant in close consultation with the Ministry of Finance.

He said as part of governance, wider consultations would be carried out with stakeholders nationwide on the review.

“The Ministry has been reporting on the progress in all the above work carried out through Parliamentary proceedings and the media.”