‘Find your support network but also be the support if we want more women in decision-making and leadership roles at the national level.’
Women Entrepreneurs Business Council (WEBC) and WIN Convention chairperson Sharyne Fong made the comment in her closing remark at the GPH in Suva as she shared some key takeaways from the two-day meet.
Ms Fong urged the women delegates to build relationships and networks beyond their usual and current jobs or comfort.
She noted the power of being vulnerable, and knowing their ‘why’ and ‘purpose’.
“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable; and triage your day, prioritise your day,” she said.
“And as a woman, be like a bee, a queen bee.” She also urged participants and women around the country to be courageous.
“Courage shows us what we are capable of. Fear hides us.” Ms Fong also urged women to invest in their inner temple and enjoy life to the fullest.
During a panel discussion, Waitika Farm co-owner Jean Tikaram shared the same sentiment when she said: “Life is to be lived, not just slogged out all the time.”