Waterlogged farms reduce yield

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A waterlogged farm after the recent heavy rain. Picture: SUPPLIED

The Fiji Sugar Corporation says waterlogged cane farms can significantly reduce the number of millable canes, single cane weight, length, internode length, and thickness of cane.

This can result in a staggering 50 per cent decline in overall yield, stated FSC.

After the recent heavy rain spell, FSC is asking farmers to take steps to manage water logging effectively.

“Ensure prompt drainage of your fields by directing water towards infield drainage channels and natural outlets.

Swift action is key to minimising damage,” stated FSC.

“Late-harvested crops require an additional dose of nitrogen, such as Blend B, to rejuvenate the root system, enhance crop survival, and reduce cane pith formation, thereby preventing weight loss.”

FSC stated farmers should implement split application of fertiliser, particularly after heavy rains.

“This practice helps reduce nitrate leaching, which is a common issue during waterlogging and ensures optimal nutrient absorption by your crops.”

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