War on cybersecurity

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Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese after the MOU signing on Tuesday in Australia. Picture: FIJI GOVT FACEBOOK

Authorities in Fiji can expect increased cooperation with counterparts in Australia following the approval of a five-year memorandum of understanding (MOU) on cybersecurity cooperation under the Vuvale Partnership.

Announcing the move in a post-Cabinet statement, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka said cybersecurity was a cross-cutting and national issue.

“Currently, the minister responsible for communications has the responsibility of information and communication technologies (ICT) and online safety laws, including the Cybercrime Act 2021,” Mr Rabuka said.

“The Department of Communications is bolstering national cybersecurity efforts by involving all relevant agencies, including the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration in capacity building and other initiatives related to cybersecurity,” he said.

The PM confirmed the cybersecurity collaboration with Australia includes the development of the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Study Report and the operationalisation of the CERT; the development of the National Cybersecurity Strategy, and technical cybersecurity collaboration regarding government infrastructure.

In addition, Mr Rabuka said it would play a role in progressing regional priorities and common interests in regional and international forums including sharing experiences and best practices.

This, he said, included collaboration on new and emerging technology, such as responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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