War against drugs | Schoolchildren used to peddle ‘ice’ – Turaga

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Attorney-General Siromi Turaga during the Lomaiviti Provincial Council meeting at Studio 6 in Suva. Picture: ATU RASEA

The drug problem in Fiji is worsening with schoolchildren being used to peddle the highly addictive illegal drug, methamphetamine, commonly known as “ice”.

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga shared this during a meeting of the Lomaiviti Provincial Council when divisional police commander eastern Senior Superintendent of Police Josua Vodo raised concerns about the increase in cases of marijuana cultivation in the province.

SSP Vodo urged villages in the province to report any cases of suspected drug cultivation or peddling in their villages to the police.

Mr Turaga then pleaded with traditional leaders to work with the police.

“I am pleading with you if you see anyone selling or bringing drugs to your villagers, inform the police,” he said.

“Another drug that is affecting our people nowadays is ice.

“The consequences of indulging in this drug is even worse and this is something we want to protect our children in the villages from.

“Ice has flooded our streets and even schoolchildren are selling them. “We need to keep a lookout for each and for our children’s safety.”

Mr Turaga said those issues were highlighted to him by police officers. SSP Vodo said some villagers were fond of hiding information about drug dealers from police.

“I am here to come and request for your assistance to help us in our fight against drugs in Fiji, as police cannot do this alone and we need traditional leaders to work with us.

“If you have information about drug peddling and marijuana cultivation in your villages, please inform the police and we will come to you.

“It is your children and the generation to come that will suffer if you refuse to inform us.”

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