Walk of faith | Cokanasiga’s dedication as a theological educator pays off

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Reverend Reapi Cokanasiga. Picture: MATAIASI STARK

REVEREND Reapi Cokanasiga, a dedicated tutor at Davuilevu Theological College, is a shining example of passion and commitment to faith and education.

Growing up in Ba, the reverend’s journey into the Methodist faith began when her mother married.

Originally a Catholic growing up, she embraced the Methodist Church, and from a young age, she felt a strong calling to be involved in the church.

“I always felt that my place was in the church, serving and guiding others in their faith,” she said.

This passion led her to leave her previous job and focus entirely on her goal of becoming a reverend.

Reapi’s educational journey is impressive.

She pursued her undergraduate studies at the University of the South Pacific, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology and psychology.

Not stopping there, she furthered her theological education at the Pacific Theological College, obtaining a Postgraduate Diploma in Ministry.

“Education has always been important to me, not just for personal growth but to better serve my community.”

Her teaching career began as a school chaplain at Nakauvadra High School, where she served for five years. She then moved to Lekutu Secondary School in Vanua Levu for a year and a half.

Her experience and dedication in these roles were instrumental in shaping her approach to teaching and ministry.

“Being a school chaplain allowed me to connect with young people and guide them through some of their most formative years.”

For the past three years, Reapi has been a tutor at Davuilevu Theological College, imparting her knowledge and experience to future church leaders. Her dedication to her students and her faith have not gone unnoticed.

The college recently selected her to accompany her students to Hawaii next month for the Hawaii Pacific Culture and Heritage Exhibition.

The students will be performing traditional iTaukei meke, showcasing our rich cultural heritage on the world stage.

“It’s a great honour to be chosen to accompany my students. This exhibition is a wonderful opportunity for them to share our culture and learn from others,” she shared with a smile.

Her academic ambitions continue as she is on the verge of completing her master’s thesis, with the long-term goal of earning a doctorate.

“Education never stops, and I believe in constantly striving to better myself so I can better serve others.”

Reverend Reapi Cokanasiga’s journey from a young girl with a passion for the church to a respected tutor and soon-to-be doctorate holder is a testament to her unwavering dedication and faith.

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