U14 school team receives rugby jerseys

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Members of the St John Primary School under-14 side in their new jerseys after the presentation on Tuesday. Picture: SUPPLIED

Weeks of competing in the Suva Kaji Rugby with their school sportswear are over for the St John Primary School under-14 side after the team received a new set of rugby jerseys on Wednesday.

Presenting the jersey to the team was Assistant Minister in the Prime Minister’s office, Sakiusa Tubuna, in Wailoku.

According to Tubuna, the jerseys were funded by ex-scholars of the St John Old Scholars Association.

“This is the donation from the St John Old Scholars Association to the school, trying to support them in any way they can,” he said.

“We got some jerseys here for the students because the school had requested from us.”

Meanwhile, team head coach Murivanua Semainaliwa said receiving this new set of jerseys was a huge motivational boost for the boys.

“This means a lot for the boys because they have just been wearing their normal sports uniform whenever they play,” Semainaliwa said.

“We would like to thank the association for their donation, and we also thank the minister for taking his time out to be here today.”

Semainaliwa says training has been going well for the team, as they prepare to play Yet Sen Primary School this weekend at St Marcellin Primary School grounds in Suva.

“The boys are all looking forward to this match on Saturday because they now have a new set of jerseys.”

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