Turaga: Other important issues to deal with than social media posts

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Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Siromi Turaga during break between sessions at Parliament on Monday, March 27, 2023. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Siromi Turaga says “there are other important issues to deal with” than his recent social media posts.

He was responding to queries from The Fiji Times about critics of pictures he took while on an overseas trip on his official account.

“There are more important issues we can deal with than that,” Mr Turaga said.

“There are more important issues the nation can deal with than that.”

He said his travel included an engagement with the International Criminal Court where he represented the region regarding discussions on the Russian-Ukraine war.

“We will get to see how this plays out soon and this goes to show that the system is alive, even of a person of higher standing can be a subject of an investigation.”

He also had the opportunity to visit the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva.

He said they sent officers to WIPO annually and the visit was important in terms of traditional knowledge and skills.

“These issues regarding the iTaukei will transcend into some of the government policies.

“In terms of those specific areas, we also visited the United Nations Human Rights Council.”

He also invited the UNHRC to be part of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat meeting in Cook Islands in July.

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