‘Trust at the heart of public procurement’

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Fiji National University head of School of Arts and Humanities Dr Asinate Mausio stresses a point during the CLCT Integrity workshop at the GPH in Suva. Picture: RAMA

TRUST is at the heart of ethical public procurement processes, says Fiji National University head of School of Arts and Humanities Dr Asinate Mausio.

She made the comment while making a presentation on ethics in procurement at a workshop organised by Civic Leaders for Clean Transactions (CLCT) Integrity Fiji and the Ministry of Economy’s procurement section, discussing transparent processes in government procurements.

Dr Mausio said contractors and private sector vendors and suppliers to the Government had an important role to play and shoddy work was unacceptable, whether bought with taxpayers’ dollars or private funds.

She also said trust was at the centre of public procurement.

“When talking about public procurement, we have to keep in mind that we are dealing with taxpayers’ dollars. Public interest and trust lies at the heart of ethical procurement,” she said.

“If the public loses trust or faith in the Government to procure goods and services or in the private sector providing goods and services to the Government, public procurement will spiral downwards.”

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