Tread carefully, Rabuka tells MSG leaders

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Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka inspects a guard of honour in Port Vila, Vanuatu. Picture FIJI GOVERNMENT

PRIME Minister Sitiveni Rabuka told Melanesian Spearhead Group leaders in Vanuatu today that at a time when the region has assumed international importance as China and the United States competed for Pacific influence, they must navigate carefully through diplomatic maneuvering.

“As always, we must be intent on acting in the best interests of our countries and our people,” he said.

“We need to remind ourselves that although we are small developing countries, we exercise sovereign authority over a very large part of the globe.

“Let us also not lose sight of the truth that at this momentous stage in history, our unity as a region is of paramount importance.

“Acting together, with common purpose and aims, puts us in a better position to achieve our goals for Melanesia and Oceania as a whole.”

Read more of his statement in tomorrow’s The Fiji Times.

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