Top teams set to roll

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Aisea Turuva on attack for ELJ Barbarians against Dominion Brothers. Picture: BALJEET SINGH/FILE

As of Sunday only one place is left for the 36th Fiji Bitter Nawaka Sevens men’s competition.

Tournament director Ilimeli Navula said preparation had been good and they were looking forward to the games this weekend.

“As of yesterday (Sunday), only one place is left for the men competition to make the 48 teams,” he said.

“For the women, eight teams have confirmed their participation.

“In the U21 grade, 20 teams have confirmed their participation. We also have an Indo-Fijian competition with four teams participating.

“Games will start on Friday at 9am and likewise on Saturday.

“All the pool games will be played on Friday with the knockout stages on Saturday.

“Most of the big teams have confirmed their participation in this year’s 36th Fiji Bitter Nawaka 7s.” Big teams such as Police Blue, Police White, Army Red, Army Green have confirmed their spot.

Defending champion Wardens is yet to confirm its participation

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