‘Teach kids about nature’ – Singh

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Minister for Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations Agni Deo Singh (left) with Education International president Susan Hopgood and UNESCO Pacific office director Nisha at the Educators for Climate Justice and Just Transition Conference at the Tanoa Waterfront Hotel in Lautoka. Picture: SITERI SAUVAKACOLO

Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh has pleaded with regional teacher trade unionists to push for the incorporation of climate change education in their school curriculum.

In Lautoka last week, the fervent trade unionist informed regional teachers’ unions representatives part of the Educators for Climate Justice and Just Transition Conference that it was imperative to come up with solutions to promote quality, assure access to basic resources.

“Teaching children about nature from a young age helps them develop a sense of responsibility and passion for the world around them,” Mr Singh said.

“I am content to see this conference as part of the Education International Asia-Pacific’s regional campaign in raising awareness on the impact of climate change and support international members in advocating for the incorporation of climate change education. Teaching children about nature and our climate from a young age help them develop a sense of responsibility and passion for the world around them.”

The minister also called on regional representatives to utilise the necessary skills gained from the three-day conference to deliver recommendations for policies that will influence climate justice and just transition both in education and at work environment.

“As teachers and trade union leaders, I hope you will be in a strong position to influence education curriculum at all levels of education in your countries.

“No one knows better than you that curriculum is the heart and soul of education.”

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