Strengthening resource owners participation in tourism

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Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, with Minister for i-Taukei Affairs Ifereimi Vasu during the i-Taukei Resources Owners Forum at the RB Convention Centre in Lami on Tuesday, July 30, 2024. Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

The Viti Indigenous Tourism Alliance (VITA) yesterday announced its continued commitment to supporting and strengthening indigenous tourism involvement and engagement throughout Fiji.

The advocacy group made a presentation at the two-day Indigenous Resource Owners’ Forum that got underway in Lami yesterday, attended by resources owners from across Fiji’s 14 iTaukei provinces.

In a statement issued afterwards, VITA vice president Josefa Bau said the non-governmental organisation aims to be recognised as a regional leader in resilient and sustainable indigenous tourism development.

“Our work with local communities, entrepreneurs, and social collectives is focused on developing regenerative tourism experiences that preserve cultural heritage and natural resources,” Mr Bau said.

“Our mission at VITA is to collaborate closely with indigenous resource owners [and] help them identify their unique strengths and challenges.

“We provide them with the necessary advice, resources, networks, and support to develop sustainable and resilient tourism projects that benefit their communities. Our community-driven approach ensures that indigenous communities are in control of their tourism destinies.”

Mr Bau said VITA has forged partnerships with local and international partners to help it move forward “in the most adaptable and sustainable manner possible.”

These partners, he added, include the Ministry of Taukei Affairs (MTA), Tourism Fiji, Fijian Holdings Ltd (FHL), Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association (FHTA), the National Trust of Fiji, South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) and Regenerative Vanua.

“Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges such as cyclones and floods, VITA members have demonstrated resilience. “These experiences of adaptations and strength through indigenous partnerships are fundamental to creating an alliance of all indigenous Fijians connected to the tourism industry.

“To achieve our 2024-2030 targets for the indigenous tourism industry in Fiji, VITA has developed its inaugural Action Plan, which will guide our implementation efforts.”