State works to legalise cannabis industry, says Kamikamica

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Deputy Prime Minster Manoa Kamikamica. Picture: LITIA RITOVA

Government is making progress in plans to establish a legal cannabis industry, with work on the necessary legislation in progress.

Trade Minister Manoa Kamikamica said the legislation was the final piece in the process of establishing the industry in Fiji.

“We’re currently working on it, that’s the final piece of the development,” he said.

Mr Kamikamica said the legislation was expected to take some time to finalise.

“It will probably take us till next year to finalise that legislation because we have to do consultation as well,” he said.

The plan was to send the completed legislation to Cabinet for approval between April and June. He said while the details of the proposed legislation were still being developed, they were committed to ensuring a transparent and inclusive process.

“There will be ample opportunity once the legislation is done to consult more broadly.”

At this stage, he said it was too early to discuss the specifics of the cannabis industry in Fiji.

“Until there is legislation to discuss, I think it might be a bit too early to talk about it.”

He said the recommendations of the public would be taken into account.

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