Spotlight on Walesi – Narube: FijiFirst had no business in television

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Unity Fiji party leader, Savenaca Narube Picture: JONACANI LALAKOBAU

Unity Fiji leader Savenaca Narube says the previous administration has no business in being involved in television broadcasting or creating a digital platform.

Mr Narube, a former governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji, said these activities were the responsibility of the private sector and not the government.

He was commenting on a statement by the Minister of Sugar Charan Jeath Singh that the previous government had spent $123 million rolling out the Walesi satellite digital television platform since 2015.

“I obviously cannot verify the statement by the Minister for Sugar,” he said yesterday while responding to queries from this newspaper.

“But I can say that he (Mr Singh) has echoed what I have been telling the country in the last six years.

“This case is another revelation of how the FijiFirst government has squandered our money.” Mr Narube said the previous administration had other things to focus on but did not do so. “The FijiFirst government had so many more important things to spend our hard earned money on, like health and education.

“Very importantly, there was no logic at all for the Government to dictate that all TV broadcasts should go through the Walesi platform.

“First government creates a company and then it legislates everyone to use this company,” he said. “This law has created more hardship for the people in buying a Walesi box and an antenna.

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