Sport heading into right direction

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FNRL acting CEO Don Natabe on a virtual conference with his Australian counterparts, in Suva, on Mon 8th Nov 2021. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

Fiji’s outing at the Pacific Championship has been hailed by the Fiji National Rugby League (FNRL).

FNRL chief executive officer Don Natabe says the performance of the Vodafone Fiji Bati and the Fiji Bulikula’s is a sign of the sport heading into the right direction.

“We had the Fiji Bati hammer the PNG Kumuls in the first match.

That is something we are not able to say everyday,” Natabe said.

Fiji thrashed PNG 43-16 in the first match before going down 32-12 in the Pacific Bowl final last Sunday.

“We had so much young talent in that team and they will take so much positives from that match.

“They will only get better with time as they play more matches,” Natabe added.

Natabe added the Fiji Bulikula side had a good future as well.

“There were only five girls who had played for the Bulikula before and the new girls did really well.

“Despite going down to a much-experienced Samoan side, our women’s team impressed in many aspects and they surely have a bright future going forward.”

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