Special bond between team, hotel staff

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According to Flying Fijian head coach Simon Raiwalui, they have been so lucky to be paired with Bordeaux Renaissance Hotel who have catered to their every need. Picture: SUPPLIED

Staff members of the Renaissance Hotel in Bordeaux have grown a liking for their guests in the FIJI Water Flying Fijians.

The bond between the players/management and hotel staff is such that “things have not been the same” at the five-star property when the Fijians were away in St Etienne.

The hotel has been the base camp for the Flying Fijians since the start of the Rugby World Cup and will be until the end of the pool rounds.

The team arrived there at the start of their RWC campaign and were away for two days to play Australia.

Upon return to Bordeaux, they were on the front cover of the hotel’s weekly newsletter, explaining how staff had missed the team when away.

“Bula Flying Fijians! We hope you had a safe journey to Saint Etienne and a safe journey back home (and by home we mean Bordeaux,),” the Renaissance Fiji Times read.

“The past few days have not been the same without you. We are so pleased to welcome you back.

“We, the Renaissance Bordeaux associates, are here to make your life easier, so please do not hesitate to ask for our assistance, we are always happy to help!”

A special bond built on ‘vuvale and veilomani‘.

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