Solomone and Koroi head school

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Elected dorm female student leaders of Church College Fiji yesterday. Picture: RUSIATE VUNIREWA

Ieti Solomone says he feels honoured to be standing before the school as this year’s Church College Fiji’s newly inducted head boy.

Among the 60 students inducted by the school yesterday, Solomone promised to work hard with determination with utmost zeal, passion, and determination.

“As of this year, I will strive to be a better person, to be someone you can depend on, to be someone you all can look up to,” he said.

“I stand here as a leader. Not just to lead you but to work in collaboration with every one of you to achieve the best for our school,” he said.

Solomone said he was grateful for those who had voted him into the position of head boy and for the support he had been getting.

Also inducted yesterday was head girl Wendy Koroi who expressed her gratitude after being chosen to lead.

“I feel as if I have so much more to give out because everyone deserves to be loved, to feel important, and to feel seen,” she said.

She reminded the students that being the head girl did not mean that she was better than them, but that she was chosen by God to serve His chosen generation at this time.

“I hope that this year will bring a lot of love, great friendships, and a year of good faith.”

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