SODELPA unveils 2022 General Election manifesto

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SODELPA Leader Viliame Gavoka shows their 2022-2023 manifesto budget estimates at a press conference held at the Suvavou Village hall on Friday, September 23, 2022. Picture: ELENA VUCUKULA/FILE

Fijian political party SODELPA unveiled its manifesto for the 2022 General Election this afternoon.

This makes it the first political party to release what it has dubbed the Lewenivanua 2022/2023 manifesto budget estimates.

Party leader Viliame Gavoka said the budget estimate covered all aspects of government species and was a prerequisite for a government to govern.

“As SODELPA party leader, this budget estimate is a statement of confidence, commitment, responsibility and vision for our people or the lewenivanua,” Mr Gavoka said.

“We have unveiled the 2022 Manifesto Budget Estimates at the management board meeting held in Suva recently. SODELPA’s budget targets the needs of the lewenivanua.”

The party’s manifesto has targeted areas of education, health and indigenous affairs among others.

More details in tomorrow’s edition of The Fiji Times.

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