Situation is ‘worse’

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Ekari Iranavanua right, the president of the Wainadoi village womens association during their meeting at their village hall. Picture: ATU RASEA

Ekari Iranavuna of Wainadoi Village says the smell from Ram Sami and Sons (Fiji) Ltd laying farm has worsened over the years.

Speaking to this newspaper, she said despite living across the road from the police post, the villagers faced the same issues as those living close to the farm.

“Whenever the company burns the chicken waste to make manure, it releases a bad smell and it brings a lot of flies to the village,” she claimed.

“It was never like this before, especially in regards to the flies. As the years have gone by the situation has gotten worse.”

Ms Iranavanua claimed the situation was so bad that at night villagers were unable to sleep.

“Because it’s windy at night the smell is so strong because they burn waste at night as well. We can’t sleep properly – it’s really bad.

“Our children and the elderly in the village suffer the most because of the smell. At times they get really sick.”

Ms Iranavuna thanked those who continued to highlight their issue by complaining about the stench.

“Everyone is on the same page in wanting this issue addressed. If residents and villagers don’t raise their concerns then the smell will continue to take a toll on our health and lifestyle.”

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