School gets learning devices

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School gets learning devices

STUDENTS of Vakacereivalu Memorial School in the district of Nasikawa, Nadroga received a $2500 technological boost to assist them in their every day learning.

The mEducation technology was provided by the Vodafone ATH Fiji Foundation with support of the Western Charity Alliance.

School headteacher Isimeli Druavesi said the students were grateful to have received support from Vodafone ATS Fiji Foundation.

“We are indeed thankful for the $2500 worth of mEducation tablets, Wi-Fi devices and internet connection free for a year,” Mr Druavesi said.

“Since everyone is now getting connected to the world and the world of information and knowledge through mobile devices, the tablets will help the students not to be left behind because they are in a remote area.”

Western charity allowance Nadroga project officer Selita Donu said the devices would assist the school which catered for six villages in the Nasikawa district.

Foundation executive Ambalika Devi Prakash said technology was an important aspect of learning in today’s society.

“Communication technologies are key to reshaping sustainable education,” she said.

“Technology is rapidly being adopted throughout the world and has the power to bridge gaps between those in suburbs and those in remote areas.

“We are stepping into the future of a digitally connected world and if the primary school children do not have access now, they will be left behind in the future and may feel disconnected from the world.”

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