Ro Filipe explains resignation

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Ro Filipe Tuisawau announcing the names of SODELPA candidates who resigned from the party in Suva on Mon 31 Oct 2022. Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU

Former Opposition Whip Ro Filipe Tuisawau says he and other former Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) parliamentarians who have joined The People’s Alliance are the people’s representatives.

He was responding to SODELPA acting deputy leader Aseri Radrodro’s statement on social media condemning him and seven other MPs who resigned to join the People’s Alliance.

Ro Filipe said he owed it to the people of Fiji to explain why he resigned, saying individuals such as Mr Radrodro and his group had “destabilised” the party after an annual general meeting in Savusavu.

“Aseri did not elect us to Parliament,” Ro Filipe said.

“They took over SODELPA thinking that SODELPA will win (elections) and that they be PM and ministers.” He said they had destroyed SODELPA in doing so.

Ro Filipe said the People’s Alliance and National Federation Party were what the people of Fiji needed to save them from the ruins of the FijiFirst Government led by Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama.

“Fiji needs honourable leaders with honourable intentions and for a new government.

“Sitiveni Rabuka and Professor Biman Prasad are the best chance and option now after 16 years of imposed rule.”

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