RBF notes increase in job advertisements

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A job advertisement that was advertised in The Fiji Times newspaper. Picture: FT CLASSIFIED

THE latest economic review by the central bank says the latest business expectations survey (BES) results point to a likely moderation in domestic economic activity, although overall growth is expected to remain positive.

A job advertisements survey is also conducted by the Reserve Bank of Fiji to ascertain the job market and it was revealed there was an increase by 16.1 per cent in the number of jobs advertised in February.

It was also revealed that the increase was largely underpinned by the higher recruitment intentions in the community, social and personal services, finance, insurance and real estate and business services.

Meanwhile, sectoral performances in the review period were also mixed with visitor arrivals cumulative to February growing by 1.0 per cent underpinned by higher arrivals from New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong and Rest of Asia, which more than offset the decline in arrivals from Australia, Europe and the US.

For the timber industry, production was lower for pine wood supply and woodchip, while sawn timber rose cumulative to February.

Electricity production also increased in the same period while gold output declined.