Question on military’s approval

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Dr Mukesh Bhagat speaks at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission public consultation in Lautoka yesterday. Picture: NAVNESH REDDY

General practitioner Dr Mukesh Bhagat has asked the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) consultations in Lautoka whether the commission had the approval of the Republic of the Fiji Military Forces.

“Does the TRC have the approval of the army?”

“Since in all the coups, it was the army against people without weapons.”

In response, TRC steering committee chairperson Sashi Kiran said the RFMF Commander Jone Kalouniwai had been saying he supported the process.

During the TRC consultations in Labasa earlier this week, Ms Kiran said the RFMF was conducting its own reconciliation within the military.

She said that currently, for the RFMF, the reconciliation process was an internal one.

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