Quality of life ‘better’

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Compared with the other countries in the Pacific, Fiji is performing better than average on Quality of Life rights, states a report released by the New Zealand-based Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI).

HRMI said the Quality of Life index was calculated by looking at right to education, food, health, housing and work.

“Fiji scores 86.6 per cent on Quality of Life when scored against the Income adjusted benchmark,” the HRMI report stated.

“This score takes into account Fiji’s resources and how well it is using them to make sure its people’s Quality of Life rights are fulfilled.

“This score tells us that Fiji is only doing 86.6 per cent of what should be possible right now with the resources it has. Since anything less than 100 per cent indicates that a country is not meeting its current duty under international human rights law, our assessment is that Fiji has some way to go to meet its immediate economic and social rights duty.

“When measured against the ‘Global best’ benchmark, comparing Fiji to the best performing countries in the world, Fiji’s score is 86.0 per cent, indicating that it has some way to go to meet current ‘Global best’ standards for ensuring all people have adequate food, education, healthcare, housing and work.”

  • Questions sent to Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum in relation to the findings on Monday and again yesterday remain unanswered.
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